Past Master
Stuart Robertson
Petition book no. 635
Applied to join 19th April 1984
Enquiry held 17th September 1984
Ballot taken 1st November 1984
Dates of Degrees:-
Initiated 21st February 1985
Passed 21st March 1985
Raised 18th April 1985
Mark Degree 6th February 1986
Offices Held:-
Installed as Inner Guard 22nd February 1986
Installed as WJW 28th February 1987
Installed as WSW 27th February 1988
Installed as RWM 25th February 1989
Installed as Depute Master 23rd February 1991
Installed as Secretary 27th February 1993
Installed as Almoner February 1999
Installing Masters:
Bro.George Neil PM
Bro.James Robertson PM
Bro.Thomas Duncan PM
Honorary Membership:-
Information not available at time of publishing
Information not available at time of publishing