Past Master
Alex Boyd
Petition book no. (Affiliate Member)
Brother Alex Boyd affiliated to the lodge from Lodge Hopebridge Castle 827 Armadale
Application for Affiliation:- 1st May 1934
Offices Held:-
Installed as RWM 26th December 1934
Re-Installed as RWM 23rd December 1935
Re-Installed as RWM 26th December 1936
Re-Installed as RWM 21st Dec 1937
Installed as Chaplin 23rd December 1944
Re-Installed as Chaplin 29th December 1945
Re-Installed as Chaplin 28th December 1946
Installed as Almoner 25th December 1948
Re-Installed as Chaplin 24th December 1949
Re-Installed as Chaplin 23rd December 1950
Re-Installed as Chaplin 29th December 1951
Re-Installed as Chaplin 27th December 1952
Re-Installed as Chaplin 26th December 1953
Re-Installed as Chaplin 25th December 1954
Re-Installed as Chaplin 31st December 1955
Installed as Secretary 22nd December 1956
Re-Installed as Chaplin 28th December 1957
Re-Installed as Chaplin 20th December 1958
Re-Installed as Chaplin 26th December 1959
Re-Installed as Chaplin 17th December 1960
Re-Installed as Chaplin 18th December 1965
Re-Installed as Chaplin 17th December 1966
Installed as Depute Master 17th December 1967
Installed as Substitute Master 21st December 1968
Re-Installed as Depute Master 20th December 1969
Re-Installed as Depute Master 26th February 1972
Installing Masters:
1934:- Bro.John Gould PM 374 1935:-Bro. John Barr PM
1936:- Bro.John Barr PM 1937:- No Record
Honorary Membership:-
Information not available at time of publishing
Information not available at time of publishing